Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Taken hold

I’ve been thinking about a lesson I was listening to a few weeks back over Philippians 3. The preacher remarked about the significance of being “taken hold of” by Christ. He shared how the only way we can hope to live the life that Jesus promised is if we live by His strength, if we’re “taken hold” by the strength He provides and not depending upon our own. He shared how he was “taken hold” by his wife and kids, that because of them he strove to be a better man than perhaps he’d be without them.

That idea really resonated with me. Perhaps because I’m recently a father for the second time, but the reality of who I am and who I want to be is on my mind a lot these days. I’m seeing the need for Christ in my life and ministry in ways that I haven’t before, and I’m wondering what if anything has the power to change me and my selfish heart --- and then I’m reminded by Paul’s words, that the answer doesn’t exist in my will power or ability to work harder, but only in being taken hold of by the strength and grace of the One by whom, and to whom, and through whom all things are made and held together. Amen!

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