Wednesday, June 22, 2005

What a difference a month makes...

It's been awhile since my last post. A lot has happened since May 23rd. My wife and I both passed the 30 year old birthday milestone and my son is getting ready to pass his first. I also experienced my first Father's Day as a father. It's also been neat to see God working in the lives of folks all around me. I was just reading the blog of a friend of mine who lives in NYC. His newborn son has had and still has many health problems. He's been in the NICU for over 2 months, and probably has at least another 2 to go. My friend Joe was recounting the gracious act of their neighbors who over the course of this past month raised money to send he and his wife on a weekend excursion in the city. What an awesome example of the hands of Christ reaching out to bless!

It got me wondering how much I miss on a daily basis -- how often does Jesus walk by and I don't notice? Or do I walk by him and totally miss it? What experience am I having right now that a week from now I'll look back and wonder why I wasn't paying attention? I guess some of this is only seen in hindsight, but I hope and pray that God will continue to open my eyes to what He's doing.

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