Tuesday, May 17, 2005

How do you smell?

Opinions. We all have them. It's funny to me how we pick and choose the things that we'll get upset and fight about, especially when it comes to the church. We get really mad at folks that want to bring in certain changes, but then others seem to be no problem. Why is that? Why do we pick and choose?

I think sometimes it has to do with our experience and how we grow up. How open to change were our parents? How willing were they to entertain different ideas and explore new things? Some of it is definitely comfort, how much does this change pull me out of my comfort zone. I guess some is education and maturity, how often do we sit at Jesus' feet and allow him to teach us, grow us, transform our hearts.

There is a woman at my church who is a spiritual hero of mine. Over the course of her life she's suffered the loss of two husbands through death, a number of family heartbreaks, along with other disappointments, and yet when you talk with her now she is so peaceful and full of grace. When changes occur, she does not react with harshness or angry words of fear, but instead welcomes conversation and always goes back to love. She is to me the epitomy of Paul's words in 2 Corinthians 4:16 --

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day."

Everyday my friend is drawn closer to the heart of God, and the aroma of Christ that exudes from her grows sweeter and sweeter by the hour. I hope to one day smell half as sweet as she.

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